Horse joint health

Orthopaedic Veteran horse Active horse

The structure and health of a horse's joints are crucial aspects of equine care and performance. This article aims to provide valuable insights into horse joint health for horse owners.

What are horse joints?

The joint is a complex and fragile mechanism which allows mobility between bones. Each horse is born with a specific joint capacity, which naturally diminishes over time as the joint experiences wear and tear. It's important to understand that joint tissues cannot regenerate.

A joint comprises several integral components:

  • Synovial Fluid: This fluid lubricates the interior of the joint.
  • Cartilage: It forms a protective, elastic, and resilient layer covering bone surfaces, acting as a shock absorber that safeguards bones and minimises friction during movement. The cartilage consists of chondrocytes, which are rounded cells within an extracellular matrix comprised of proteoglycans and collagen, enriched with hyaluronic acid.
  • Subchondral Bone: Located just beneath the cartilage, this bone absorbs shocks to prevent them from affecting the entire bone.
  • Ligaments: These ligaments support the joint and maintain proper bone alignment.

Each of these components plays a crucial role in the joint's proper functioning. Any disturbance in these elements can lead to issues like osteoarthritis, characterised by the deterioration of cartilage and the subchondral bone.

Assessing your horse's joint condition

Evaluating your horse's joint condition can be a complex task. Your veterinarian can perform tests such as X-rays or advanced imaging tests, including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On a daily basis, there are certain signs that can be observed to assess your horse's joint health. These signs may resemble those of osteoarthritis.

These signs can manifest as swelling, heat, or pain during joint movement. Additionally, the presence of pain may impact your horse's behaviour, leading to reduced motivation, decreased performance, stiffness, or lameness.

Protecting your horse's joints and preventing osteoarthritis

To ensure the well-being of your horse's joints and prevent osteoarthritis, consider the following measures.

  • Optimal Riding Ground: When riding your horse, choose suitable ground. Avoid overly soft ground, which can stress tendons, as well as excessively hard ground, which can strain joints.
  • Hoof Care: Regular trimming and proper shoeing are essential to maintain hoof health. Overly long or poorly conditioned hooves can place undue stress on joints, leading to deterioration. Consistent foot maintenance also aids in correcting posture and reducing strain resulting from poor posture.
  • Diet Management: Ensure your horse maintains a healthy weight to reduce the load on joints, thereby minimising cartilage wear and tear.
  • Supplements: Explore supplements like Ekyflex Arthro Evo, which can nourish cartilage, synovial fluid and sub-chondral bone. Ekyflex Arthro Evo contains essential ingredients such as glucosamine, Peptagen II, ASU and PAC, offering a triple joint protection, ultimately enhancing your horse's stride.

Addressing weakened horse joints

In cases where your horse's joints have already been compromised, it's essential to take action to prevent the rapid progression of osteoarthritis.

Several solutions are available, including:

  • Localised Solutions: These solutions aim to alleviate the affected joint by utilising various products like corticoids, hyaluronic acid, IRAP, PRP, and stem cells.
  • Systemic Solutions: These solutions not only alleviate the damaged joint but also address other affected joints. Horses often have multiple affected joints, and in such cases, your veterinarian may recommend anti-inflammatory drugs or bisphosphonates. Bisphosphonates work on the bone, preventing bone destruction or overgrowth associated with osteoarthritis.

Moreover, supplements can be used to reduce stiffness and maintain your horse's flexibility. Consider supplements based on harpagophytum, such as Harpagyl or alternatives like Ekyflex Nodolox. These supplements can be used in competitions as they are non-doping and help alleviate stiffness, thanks to ingredients like Boswellia, White Willow, and Naringin.

Always consult your veterinarian for personalised advice on your horse's joint health. The well-being and performance of your horse greatly depend on maintaining healthy joints

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